Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree Program Description:

The Bachelor of Biblical Studies Program (BBS) is designed to resume the basics of Bible study for the continuing seminary student as an online course. The prospective student must have earned an Associated Degree or equivalent to enroll into this program. The program is 60 credit hours in length and provides a Biblical foundation of study for all Christians who want to know more about the Bible. 
Each student will be assigned a mentor to help him or her throughout this program.

Costs: Tuition: Approx $3900, Text Books: As required.
Approx. Total Cost w/o Books: $3900.

CINT 500 Acts
This course is an overview of the Book of Acts. It details its key purpose, subjects and characters. It gives general historical information on the first century and describes the daily lives of the believers in relation to the power of the first-century church.

CINT 611 Pauline Epistles I
This course is a detailed study of the Pauline Epistles from the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians. Each of the six books is outlined and gives detailed social and historical information. It explains the key themes and verses of each book along with dates and key settings.

CINT 521 Romans I
This course is a detailed study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. It includes doctrinal terms, a brief overall introduction to the Book of Romans and an in-depth study of Roman Chapter one through Romans Chapter Eight.

CIOT 533 Old Testament Studies III (Books of Poetry)
This course covers the poetical books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Each chapter begins with a detailed outline of the book. Then it moves to the descriptions of key chapters, words and verses. Background historical data is given to aid the student in forming a mental timeline of the biblical events.

CINT 532 Romans II
This course continues the study of the latter half of the Letter written by Paul to the Church at Rome. It details Chapters nine through sixteen giving commentary of historical and biblical practices of the day along with many definitions of Greek words.

CINT 541 Ephesians
This course is a detailed outline of the Book of Ephesians. It focuses on the Plan of God for man, Salvation for man through Christ, and Unifying the Body of Christ. The course includes an overall survey and also in-depth teaching chapter by chapter.

CITH 531 The Anointing
This course deals with the different aspects of anointing. It gives a detailed explanation of the Believer’s Anointing, the Anointing and Power of God, Hindrances to the Anointing and the Corporate Anointing. It also dispels many myths and explains what the anointing is not.

CITH 543 Systematic Theology III
This course deals with Harmartology (Sin), Soteriology (Salvation), and Ecclesiology (The Church), and Eschatology (The End Times). Each subject is discussed in detail giving the Bible Student a well-balanced perspective on Bible Theology.

CITH 551 New Testament Church History
This course gives an overall view of Church history beginning in the first century with the Apostolic Church. It discusses the Persecuted Church, The Imperial Church, the Medieval Church, The Reformed Church and it culminates in the Modern Day Church. This course can be seen more as a broad survey rather than an in-depth study.

CITH 553 Bible Prophecy
This course deals with the prophecies of the Bible. It defines and outlines Old Testament Prophecies and other prophetic messages. It sheds light on the personalities of the prophets, their lives, and ministries. The course further discusses prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled.

CINT 622 Pauline Epistles II
This course is a continuation of Pauline Epistles I. It is a study of I and II Corinthians, I and II Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Each course is outlined and discussed in detail and then compared with the styles of Paul’s other writings.

CIOT 544 Old Testament IV (Major Prophets)
This course is a study of the Major Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. Each book is outlined in detail and then discussed. It gives light to each of the prophet’s characteristics and how they complement each other proclaiming the Will of God. Historical data is also given to further shed light on what was happening culturally during that prophet’s reign.

CIMI 642 Prayer II
This course outlines and discusses in detail the Lord’s Prayer, and gives us tips on how to enrich our daily prayer life by following the principles of its example. The course gives further information on why we should pray, keys to successful prayer, and how to abide in God’s Presence.

CIMI 643 Preaching 101
This course is a detailed study defining the do’s and don’ts of pulpit preaching. It is an informative work that will help the young minister develop the proper pulpit etiquette. It will give tips on how to plan sermons and keep continuity in a sermon presentation to aid the audience in getting the most out of the message.

CIOT 655 Old Testament V (Minor Prophets)
This course is a study of the Minor Prophets, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. There is an introduction that compares the twelve Minor Prophets and their divisions. The course also gives a detailed outline of each prophet.

CITH 590 The Blood Covenant
This course discusses the concept of covenanting from a biblical perspective. It stresses the need for blood as a sacrifice laid out in the Old Testament. Other topics found within the course are: The Levitical Priesthood, Covenants between David and Jonathan, The institution of the New Covenant and the Believer’s conventional rights.

CITH 621 The Medieval Church
This course deals with the life of the church from the Fall of Rome in 476 A.D. to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 A.D. It gives detailed historical data of the rise and fall of many persecutors of the Church. It discusses Medieval Art and Literature and the beginnings of the Religious Reformation.

CICED 511 Childhood Christian Education
This course is an introduction to Childhood Christian Education. – It surveys reaching and teaching children in methods they can understand. It discusses special educational needs and how to develop a children’s ministry.

CIMI 643 Trends in Missions I
This course deals with the methods and machinery employed by God for World Harvest. It discusses the need for evangelism and defines the unreached people groups within the 10/40 window. It gives informative tips on how to evangelize to nations where Christianity is forbidden to be practiced.

CIMI 653 Trends in Missions II
This course picks up where Trends in Missions I left off. It discusses global trends and demographics of countries within the 10/40 window. Other topics that are included in the course are: Major Mega Trends, the rise and influence of Post Modernism, Ten current challenges in Missions, and Contextualization in Missions. Type your paragraph here.

Bachelor of Biblical Studies