Master of Biblical Studies Degree Online Program Description

The Master of Biblical Studies Program (MBS) is 60 trimester hours in length and provides a Biblical foundation of study for individuals so they may more ably understand the Word of God.  Each student will be assigned a mentor to help him or her throughout the program.

A thesis of 25 pages must be submitted (9 credit hours).

Costs: Tuition: Approx. $4845, Text Books: As required.
Approx. Total Cost w/o Books: $4845.

CITH 628 The Holy Spirit
This course in pneumatology defines the works and teachings of the Holy Spirit in relationship to the Messianic Kingdom of God. The course defines the Trinity, the personality of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit‘s works in the Old Testament, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the Nine Spiritual Gifts.

CITH 931 The Life of Moses
This course is a detailed look at the life of Moses. It teaches of his early life and his burning bush experience. It outlines God’s will for the Israeli people and the giving of the Torah. Other topics of this course include: Pharaoh’s attempt at compromise, handling discouragement, the Red Sea experience, overcoming bitterness and following instructions.

CITH 860 The Reign of Grace
This course identifies grace from an Old and a New Testament perspective. It describes being under the law, slaves to sin, and freedom that is found in the Messiah. Other topics found in this course are: slaves to righteousness, doctrine of emptiness, walking in the Spirit, the eternal plan of God and being Super-conquerors.

CIMI 815 Building Strong Leaders
This course emphasizes the need for leadership in the ministry. It discusses how to be proactive for the Gospel. Being a team player is one of the strongest topics of this course. To be a team player one must: Be adaptable, be committed, be able to communicate, and be disciplined.

CINT 869 New Testament Survey III
This course gives an overall survey of Galatians through the Book of Revelations. Each book is outlined and discusses the overall message of the book. It gives vital historical information to help the student create a timeline of events to aid in understanding the Bible better.

CIOT 840 The Psalms Book One
This course gives a detailed view of Psalms one through Psalms forty-two. It discusses the thoughts and methods used by the psalmist, as well as the timeless meanings of the texts. It gives a modern perspective on the Psalms from the historical past.

CIMI 530 The Gifts of the Spirit
This course deals specifically with the Gifts of the Spirit. It defines each one separately and talks of its workings and how it applies to the church today. It also tells of the Gifts when looked at as a whole, Bringing into manifestation the Kingdom of God.

CITH 851 The Believer’s Anointing
This course discusses the five anointings; The Prophet, The Priest, The King, The Leper, and The Messianic anointing. It gives the characteristics of each anointing and gives the overall view of how the first four are a culmination in the Messianic Anointing.

CITH 854 Spiritual Warfare III
This course deals with overcoming conflict that is caused by the demonic realm. It gives us information on how Jesus dealt with demons, how our decisions can be a form of warfare, spiritual management, mind management and weapons of our warfare.

CITH 930 Religions of the World
This course is a comprehensive study of world religions, including false cults in comparison to Christianity. It discusses the aspects of secular religions and non-Christian religions. The formation of cults and the occult are discussed in detail to give the believer information on how to recognize that which strays from the Christian faith.

CITH 971 The Book of Revelation
This course is a comprehensive study of the book of Revelation with a particular emphasis given to understanding the correct method of interpreting the book.

CITH 806 An In-depth Study of the Book of James
This course will study the book of James verse-by-verse.  Through study and the revelation of the Spirit we will have a better understanding of the truths in this book.

CILA  803 Basics of Biblical Hebrew I
This course introduces the student to the Hebrew Aleph-Bet and the Vowel pointing system as well as nouns, adjectives and prepositions.

CINT 840 Letters of Peter
This course is an in-depth study of the New Testament letters that were written by the apostle Peter.

CINT 800 Acts of the Apostles
This course is an in-depth study of the book of Acts.

CINT 942 Epistles of John
This course is an in-depth study of the books of John the apostle.

CIPR 999 Practicum
The student must serve in a ministry capacity of h/her choosing with the approval of the Dean of Theology (5 credit hours).  Forms for verification can be obtained from the administration office.

Master of Biblical Studies